INTRODUCTION: Introduction of Internet,Introduction to World Wide Web(WWW),Types of networks (LAN, WAN and MAN) Basic Tags Of HTML,Texts & Font,Layouts and styles,Scroll and Lists,Form Elements and form Design,Tables and Special Tables Option Groups,Complex Screen Design,Field Sets,Meta Tags,Email Links,Image Links and using map,Embed Multimedia Using frames, iframes and Noframes,Advanced Frame Options,Simple Website pages design Special Characters & HTML Escape
Why use DHTML?, DHTML limitations, The Document Object Model, Working with Objects, DIV, SPAN and STYLES Tags, Working with CSS, DOM Objects and Events, Menus, sub menus and Drop downs, Screens partition & Website pages Design
Introduction to JavaScript, Variable and Literals, Control flow statements, Window objects & Document objects, Using JavaScript Alerts & Prompts, Event Handlers, Javascript Functions, Built-in functions, Javascript validations, Sample forms using HTML Objects and Javascript, Project using HTML and Javascript
HTML 5 Overview, Get Started, Structure of a Web Page, New Elements in HTML5, HTML5 Canvas, CSS3 Basics, Layouts,Styles & Navigational Aids, Canvas, SVG Graphics & Drag N Drop, Web forms and controls, Transforms, Translations & Animation, Media - Audio and Video, Images & Galleries, Charts,Gauges, Media Queries, Responsive Design for mobile, Geo Location, Web Data Storage, App Cache, Web Workers, Websockets and Communication, Offline Applications, Messaging APIs, Infographics, Typography & Polyfills
Introduction, Selecting and Filtering, DOM, Handling Events, Content and Attributes, Arrays and Iterations, CSS, Ajax Features, Animations and Effects, Custom Events and PlugIns, JQuery Properties
Cross Browser Issues & challenges, Testing & Debugging, Best Practices
Project : Website Development
Bootstrap training - Responsive Design for mobile and other devices , participants will learn how to design using Bootstrap framework
Become familiar with Bootstrap's file structure, grid systems, and container layouts.
;Learn Html elements for typography, code, tables, forms, buttons, images, and icons.
Design interfaces and other web elements, such as navigation, breadcrumbs, and custom modal windows
Use jQuery plugins for features such as revolving slideshows, tab interfaces, and drop-down menus.
Modify everything from column count to typography colors with the lessstyle sheet language.
This framework is a combination of HTML, CSS rules, and JavaScript Libraries
;Bootstrap enables one to rapidly develop websites and real-world applications.
What is bootstrap , About Bootstrap,Who wrote Framework,Why to choose Bootstrap,Where to use Bootstrap, Applications,Who is using Bootstrap,Who can learn Bootstrap,Reference Websites, User community and Resources,Writing First Web Page , Quick Styles, ,What's Inside? Scripts and Styles , Core Concepts, Setting Up Bootstrap : Download Bootstrap Software, Bootstrap File Structure, Documentation Overview, Basic HTML Template, Global Styles
Introduction, Grid Layouts, Simple Layout, Fixed Grids, Fluid Grids, Using Containers, nested columns, and column offsets, Responsive Utilities, Inspiration, Panels, CSS, Bootstrap CSS File,Basic Components - textfield, buttons, textarea, tables, forms, panels, wells, labels, lists, alerts, progress bars, images & icons, heros & media & accordian, Navigation Elements and Dropdown Menus - SideBar and Navbar, Tabs and Pills, Breadcrumbs, Typographic Elements, Thumbnails, Modals, Pagination, Carousel Navigation, Search Box Inline Form, Glyphicons, Building The Footer, Using Custom Typography, Typeahead, Tooltips & Popover. Buttons with Menus
Introduction, More Buttons, Modals, Tooltips and Popovers, Scrollspy, Typeahead, Carousel, Transitions, Dropdown, Toggleable Tabs, Alerts, Buttons & Collapse, Customizing Bootstrap - Customizing The Download, Customizing Colors, Starter Templates, Responsive Design - Responsive Utilities, Images & Responsive helpers, Media Queries & Breakpoints, Inspiration, The Mobile Web & Formatting For Mobile Devices, Adding a Google Map, Bootstrap Plugins - Plugins for extending Twitter Bootstrap